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Providing safe, convenient, timely transportation to the students attending our schools, serving riders from the Estes Valley, Glen Haven, Pinewood Springs, and Allenspark areas. EPSD buses travel 300 miles, safely delivering approximately 300 students to and from school each day. In addition, three buses are used during field trips. The district transportation department also maintains a fleet of smaller vehicles for transporting small groups of students and faculty. These vehicles include three 14-passenger buses and five SUVs.

Bus Attendance

Driving students safely to and from school is our No. 1 priority. Since student supervision and discipline is difficult while driving, it is critical that each student behaves on the bus. Each bus has cameras on board to assist students and their driver, as well as parents, teachers, and administrators. Each student will be issued a SMART tag™ID.

General Safety Rules

*** Note: Parents/Guardians should discuss with their children a plan of action if the bus is missed.  Students should know if their parent/guardian expects them to return home, go to a neighbor, walk, etc.  When mechanical or other problems cause a bus to run late, you may call the transportation department for information at 970-577-0211.

Waiting for the bus

  • Be at your bus stop five minutes before scheduled pick up time.  The driver will not wait or honk the horn.
  • Stand on the sidewalk or back from the roadway while waiting for the bus.
  • When the bus approaches, form a line and be prepared to load immediately.
  • Stand clear of the bus until it comes to a complete stop.

Loading the bus

  • Do not push or shove.
  • Use the handrail and steps
  • Go to your seat. The bus will not move until all students are seated.
  • High School and Middle School students will sit in the back of the bus and Elementary School students will sit towards the front.

Conduct on the bus

Student conduct on the bus shall be consistent with the all-student conduct listed in the student handbooks from each school.

  • Remain seated while the bus is in motion.
  • Do not change seats.
  • A student shall not refuse to sit in an assigned seat nor deny another a place to sit.
  • Each student will be expected to remain seated for the duration of the trip, and remain seated until the bus doors open.
  • Normal conversation is permitted; however, any loud noises may distract the driver and create an unsafe condition.
  • Scuffling, fighting, and the use of obscene, vulgar, or profane language and gestures will not be tolerated.
  • Do not not throw objects inside or out of the bus.
  • Do not mark, cut, or scratch any part of the bus. Vandalism costs will be paid by the person who is responsible.
  • Emergency doors and exits should be used by pupils only during supervised drills or actual emergencies.
  • Never attempt to operate the passenger door or other driver controls except in cases of extreme emergency.
  • Face forward for the duration of the trip, and shall keep their feet on the floor in front of them and out of the bus aisle.

Getting off the bus

  • Stay seated until the bus has completely stopped.
  • Use the handrail and go down the steps one at a time when leaving the bus.
  • Wait for your turn to leave the bus; pushing and crowding will only slow exiting and may cause an accident.
  • You must have a signed note from a parent/guardian or school official to get off at a bus stop other than your own.
  • Stay clear of the bus. Do not chase or hang on to the bus at any time.
  • If any article drops and rolls near or under the bus, do not go after it.  Go to the door of the bus and ask the driver for help.

Crossing the street or highway

  • All students living on the left side of the roadway shall exit the bus and move to a point 10 to 12 feet in front of the right bumper.  Wait for the driver to signal you that it is safe to cross.
  • Check in both directions and walk directly across the road.
  • Never cross the road behind the bus.
  • Use caution! Watch for vehicles that do not stop when the bus is loading or unloading students.
  • Cross all streets at intersections.  Obey all traffic signals and signs on your way home.

Accidents or emergencies

  • Follow the driver's instructions.
  • If you must leave the bus, stay in a group at least 100 feet away from the bus.
  • Each bus will practice emergency evacuation drills.  These are an important part of transportation and students will be expected to pay attention.