Setting up your District-Issued iPad
The first time you log into your iPad, use your District-provided Google credentials ending in "" to set up your iPad. You do not have to be on campus wifi to complete this step.
Agree to location services and the other prompts that will pop up through the setup process.
General Information about District-Issued iPads
Elementary and middle school students are only able to have apps that are provided by the district. Every student has a managed Apple ID for storage and sharing.
If the iPad is broken, please contact the student's school library as soon as possible.
Tips for Success
Discuss expectations with your child. When will the iPad be used? What areas of the home is the student allowed to use the iPad? How should the iPad be used when it's not school time? Set up expectations with your child about how to use the iPad at home—and stick to them!
Look at the iPad with your student. Talk with them about what you see—good and bad. Check grades and attendance together in Schoology and PowerSchool.
Use the iPad as a tool for learning. Every student has access to the Learning Managment System Schoology and PowerSchool grades and attendance. For information on parent accounts, contact your student's school office.
More information about managing tech at home can be found here:
Common Sense Media